The role of Investment Hubs in global FDI flows: unknown, unloved?”
Presentation of research findings followed by a panel discussion:
- 17:30 – Registration and coffee
- 18:00 – Opening remarks by Serge Krancenblum, President of the IFF
- 18:10 – Investment hubs and global FDI flows
- Presentation of key findings, SEO Amsterdam
- 18:30 – Investment hubs: unknown, unloved?
- Panel discussion with experts and policy-makers
- 19:20 – Walking dinner and drinks
- 20:30 – End
Investment hubs Are jurisdictions that facilitate the flow of international investments thanks to their stable legal and political environment, a sound financial infrastructure, and a professional ecosystem. According to the study by SEO Amsterdam Economics, a selection of 5 investment hubs – the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Singapore and Mauritius – collectively represent around 1/3 of global FDI.
The vast majority of inward and outward investments in these five hubs are facilitated by Corporate Service Providers, who are highly regulated professionals ensuring full compliance with regulations and preventing fraudulent activities. Despite playing a significant role in many ways, including fostering economic growth in developing countries and improving the integrity of the financial system, these contributions remain largely unknown. The role of investment hubs in the international financial system is all too often misunderstood.
The event and panel discussion seek to clarify the role of investment hubs and explore how their activities are linked to topical debates on the EU agenda, such as initiatives in the field of taxation, transparency in the financial sector and the assistance to developing countries.
- Richard Bolwijn, Director of the Investment Research Branch at UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- Michael Collins, Chief Executive Officer at Investment Europe
- Felicia Stanescu, Head of Unit Financial Services Policy and International Affairs, DG Financial Services of the European Commission.
- Member of the European Parliament
Moderator: TBD
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